Hiiu 39



Nursing and Nursing Care Department (post-care clinic)

Aftercare Department I 617 2989. Aftercare Clinic information line 617 2300.

Visiting hours at the Hiiu Block

  • Business days 15:00-19:00
  • Weekends and holidays 10:00-17:00

Public transport

  • Buses 14, 18 and 33 (Hiiu stop)


From 1 December 2012, the North Estonia Medical Centre Hiiu Block territory (Hiiu tn 39 and Hiiu tn 44) 
has a fee-charging parking area. When parking, please follow the rules established by the parking lot operator, and pay the parking fee. 


The parking terminal accepts cash. Place the ticket in a visible place on your dashboard. The terminal accepts euro coins in denominations of  10, 20 and 50 cents and 1 and 2 euros.  The minimum charge is 60 euro cents.
M-PARKING – parking zone CP23
If you have a parking service agreement with a wireless communication provider, you can pay over your phone. Send a text message to 1902,enter the licence plate number followed by a space and the code for the parking area – CP23, e.g. 123 ABC CP23. To end the parking sessions, dial 1903. The fee for the text message for starting the session is 32 cents.
To buy an electronic parking ticket, visit the e-parking website www.eparkimine.ee  and choose “Hiiu haigla parkla” from the list, entering the start time and duration. Payment is by bank link.