Dear visitor!
Medical specialists of North Estonia Medical Centre provide services in all areas of specialisation, excluding obstetrical care and eye surgery. In general, patient need referral from his/her GP or other medical specialist to go to medical specialist's appointment.
- Referral is not required, if you have appointment with gynaecologist, medical specialist of skin and venereal diseases, medical specialist of infectious diseases (including tuberculosis), psychiatrist or oculist or if you come to ER.
- If you do not have referral or you want to avoid waiting list, you can use paid appointment time of medical specialist.
- If you are unable to come to your appointment, please let us know:
by calling 617 1049
electronic reception desk
by sending an e-mail to registratuur [ät] Please send us your name, personal identification code and phone number. We can give your appointment to another person in need.
Visit fee
As of January 10, 2013 a visit fee of 5 euros will be charged for outpatient medical specialist appointment, including care in ER. Visit fee will be charged once per three month for the same case.
Visit fee is not charged:
- from pregnant women;
- for treatment of persons under 18 years of age;
- if emergency outpatient medical care is immediately followed by inpatient medical care;
- from patients who have referral from other medical specialist of North Estonia Medical Centre;
- from patients who have referral from the medical specialist of the same area, but different health care institution;
- from patients of outpatient dialysis;
- from tuberculosis patients and the persons they have been in contact with in tuberculosis clinic;
- from persons who are brought to psychiatry clinic against their will;
- from unemployed insured persons who come to psychiatry clinic.
If patient chooses paid appointment of medical specialist, the visit fee is already included.