Department of Anaesthesiology

"Our area of work is literally wide, because we provide services all over the North Estonia Medical Centre."

dr Sergei Kagalo, Head of Department

Our 18 surgery rooms and 5 surgery rooms at day surgery department at Mustamäe unit are equipped with modern devices and instruments. The Department of Anaesthesiology includes also recovery room with 24 beds and 10 beds in day surgery department. Efficiency of post-surgery analgesia is monitored by the team of acute pain management.

As required from the hospital of highest ranking, the Department of Anaesthesiology is equipped with modern technology.

The purpose of the department is to ensure safe anaesthesia for all the patients of North Estonia Medical Centre.

Piia Solom-Läänesaar

Department of Anaesthesiology

Piia Solom-Läänesaar


617 2081

Valentina Saluri

Valentina Saluri

Chief nurse

617 2081