Centre of Occupational Diseases and Health has developed from the Clinic of Occupational Diseases which was founded in 1971. At its early years, the clinic concentrated on the diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases. By now, the centre has become a modern diagnostic and competence centre which brings together different areas of medical specialization. In addition to occupational health doctors, our staff also includes otorhinolaryngologist, allergologist, pulmonologist and neurologist. We also cooperate with other centres of North Estonia Medical Centre.
The aim of occupational health is to promote the development of healthy and safe work environment and functional working collective.
The Centre of Occupational Diseases and Health is the only medical institution in Estonia where occupational diseases are diagnosed. Every year, our doctors undergo professional training programs and participate in conferences and international research projects.
Services of the Centre of Occupational Diseases and Health
- medical examination of employees, both pre-employment and scheduled examinations
- diagnostics and expert assessment of occupational diseases
- diagnostics and treatment of allergy-related skin and respiratory diseases (including research of occupational allergens)
- vaccination against influenza, ticks and hepatitis B for employees and private persons.
Our services also include
- allergologic research of non-work and occupational allergens
- audiological tests
- ECG and SPG-tests (breathing function)
- bio-monitoring of heavy metals
The centre is made up of the department of occupational diseases and the outpatient clinic of occupational health. Staff of the clinic consists of 7 nurses, 9 doctors and one occupational hygienist. In addition, every year we play host to residents and nurses who undergo occupational health training, and occupational hygiene students from the Tallinn University of Technology. Our staff also includes a secretary and a sales representative.
The centre has implemented new diagnostic facilities which improve the quality of diagnosis of occupational diseases. Since 2010, the centre has been using Oasys program and PEF (peak expiratory flow) analyses to diagnose occupational asthma. This test allows conduct work environment specific examination.
Since 2011, the centre has been using myotonometric method for determining the muscular effort. This contributes to early prevention of bone and muscular diseases.
Department of occupational diseases
Department of occupational disease has 10 beds. The department treats every year about 450 persons from all over the Estonia. We diagnose occupational diseases and establish harmful effects that working environment has on patient.
Most health disorders are related to shoulders, neck, and physical overload and vibration that affect hands. Much less inquiries are related to noise-induced hypacusia and respiratory problems caused by industrial chemicals and dust, also skin problems and poisonings are not very common.
Diagnosis of occupational diseases
Occupational diseases will be diagnosed on the basis of the results of medical examinations, patient's medical history (provided by general practitioner) and working conditions (provided by employer).
In case of suspected occupational diseases, patient will be sent for further testing to the centre of occupational health by general practitioner or medical specialist. Patient must submit the following documents before examination:
- referral from general practitioner or medical specialist.
Further expert assessment requires following data:
- patient's previous health data from ambulatory card(s)
- copy of employment record book or employment contracts
- description of working conditions (by patient)
Diagnostics of occupational diseases is funded by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund and state budget.
The list of occupational diseases is established by the regulation 66 of Minister of Social Affairs, from May 9, 2005.
Medical examination of employees
Medical examination of employees will be conducted pursuant by the regulation 74 of the Minister of Social Affairs, from April 24, 2003.
Occupational health services shall not be charged with VAT (KMS § 16 section 2).
Occupational health services shall not be deemed fringe benefits (KMS § 32 section 2).
Please submit the following documents before medical examination:
- risk assessment of work environment and results of the measurement of work environment parameters
- list of employees sent to medical examination
Our doctors:
Dr Viive Pille head of the centre, occupational health doctor
Dr Tiiu Kihva senior physician of the centre, neurologist, occupational health doctor
Dr Maie Vahisalu otorhinolaryngologist, occupational health doctor
Dr Eva Paas neurologist, occupational health doctor, rehabilitationdoctor
Dr Jaanika Sass occupational health doctor
Dr Katrin Rebane internal diseases, occupational health doctor
Dr Svetlana Sergejeva pulmonologist
Dr Agita Inkene occupational health doctor
Occupational hygienist
Maris Rõivassepp. Graduated from Tallinn Health Care College in 2010 as pharmacist. Master's candidate at the Tallinn University of Technology, occupational hygiene specification in the area of applied chemistry and biotechnology. Her responsibilities include analyses of working conditions and work data, and risk assessment.
Our nurses:
Jana Melnikova. Head nurse. Graduated from Tallinn Health Care College in 2003 as nurse. Master's degree from the Tallinn University of Technology in 2009, occupational hygiene specification in the area of applied chemistry and biotechnology. Consultations on occupational disease diagnostics and occupational health related vaccination.
Natalja Savina. Allergy tests, consultations on allergy.
Lela Paju. Audiologic tests and LOR. Prophylactic medical examinations. Consultations on audiology and hypacusia, prevention of harmful effects of noise.
Velda Saar. Occupational health nurse. Functional diagnostics (ECG and breathing function) Prophylactic medical examination. Vaccination. Asthma School
Milvi Pajuste. Prophylactic medical examination of North Tallinn Medical Centre employees.
Valve Pomerants. Consultations on occupational disease diagnostics.
Maxim Chernov. Inpatient nurse, admission of patients. Functional diagnostics (ECG and breathing function) Prophylactic medical examination.