Here you can find information about visiting hours in Mustamäe, Hiiu, Seewaldi and Kose units.
Mustamäe unit |
J. Sütiste tee 19 Tallinn |
working days 15.30–19.00 |
Weekends 11.00–19.00 |
NB! Wardrobe is opened on working days until 19.00. |
Visiting hours at intensive care units: |
Intensive care unit 1 |
Information: 617 1291 |
Visiting hour daily 17.00-18.00 |
Intensive care unit 2 |
Information: 617 1346 |
working days 17.00-18.00. |
Weekends 13.00-15.00. |
NB! Visitors are allowed from the second day after the surgery, staff's previous agreement is required. |
Intensive care unit 3 |
Information: 617 3108 |
Visiting hour daily 17.00-18.00 |
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit |
Information by phone 617 1592, 12.00-13.00 and 17.00-18.00. |
Visiting hour daily 17.00-18.00, previous agreement of attending physician required. |
Public transport to Mustamäe: |
Buses 17, 17A, 61 (Tervise or Lastehaigla stop) |
Trolleybuses 2, 3, 4, 9; buses 11, 13, 20, 20A, 28 (Lepistiku stop) |
Hiiu units |
Hiiu 44 Tallinn |
working days 15.30–19.00 |
Weekends 11.00–19.00 |
Hiiu 39 Tallinn |
working days 15.30–19.00 |
Weekends 11.00 - 19.00 (14.00 -15.00 nap hour ) |
Public transport to Hiiu: |
Buses 14, 18, 33 (Hiiu stop) |
Seewaldi unit |
Paldiski mnt 52 Tallinn |
working days 16.00–19.00 |
Weekends and holidays 10.00 - 18.00 |
If visitors are not local, they can agree to visit patient also at another time. |
Public transport to Seewaldi unit |
Buses 21, 21B, 22 (Pirni stop) |
Trolleybuses 5, 1; buses 16, 26, 26A, 33 (Hipodroom stop) |
Kose unit |
Ravila mnt 29 Kose |
working days 14.00–20.00 |
Weekends 12.00 - 20.00 |