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For partners

We have extensive co-operation with different universities and research institutions and NEMC has concluded a series of international co-operation agreements.

Our main international partners:

  • Karolinska University Hospital – cooperation in the areas of patient care, telemedicine, healthcare export, hospital management, continuous professional development, and research.
  • Gothenburg University Hospital – in 2006, a project involving transplantation of stem cells from peripheral blood was initiated in Northern Estonia in collaboration with Gothenburg University Hospital.
  • Helsinki University Hospital – close cooperation between the hospitals’ haematology centres and preparations for heart transplants.
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – for 20 years, close cooperation has been pursued in the field of radiotherapy and a number of international trainings have been carried out.
  • Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI) – NEMC has been a member of this organization since 2008.
  • European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR) – NEMC is an active member of this institute. Cooperation takes place in radiology and nuclear medicine diagnostics  and treatment  related R&D and in implementing good practices in this field.
  • In 2012, NEMC became the first hospital in the Baltics to successfully apply for European accreditation as a PET/CT centre.
  • The European Board of Urology (EBU) accredited the NEMC as a one of the RTPUs in Estonia  – Residency Training Programmes of Urology.

NEMC also conducts research and training in close collaboration with the universities in Estonia. Main partners:

  • Tallinn University of Technology (TUT) – doctors from the NEMC have been selected as professors and medical professors both at the Technomedicum, which was created to unite university, different hospitals and companies connected to health care; and at the TUT institute of cardiovascular medicine. Professor Margus Viigimaa was chosen as the researcher of the year at TUT in 2014.
  • University of Tartu – the objective of the cooperation is to provider for training the next generation of physicians and develop the field of health care as a whole. NEMC is a teaching and practical base for final-year medical students and more than 100 residents per year. Professor Peep Talving was named the best teacher in the field of medicine at Tartu in the 2014 academic year.
  • Tallinn University – cooperation takes place in the field of research and development.
  • Tallinn Health Care College and Tartu Health Care College – NEMC is a base for teaching and preclinical practice for nursing students.

NEMC is a partner in the Eliko Technology Competence Centre, Estonian Healthcare Image Bank, the Medicine Estonia cluster and Estonian HealthTech Cluster Connected Health.