General Internal Medicine

The general internal medicine centre includes the Emergency Internal Medicine Department, Internal Medicine Department I and the Internal Diseases Polyclinic. 

Internal Medicine Department I
  • gastroenterology unit
  • rheumatology unit
  • internal medicine unit I
Internal Medicine Department II
  • endocrinology unit
  • internal medicine unit II
Internal Medicine Polyclinic
  • endocrinology outpatient appointments cabinet
  • diabetes patient foot care cabinet
  • diabetes nurse outpatient appointments cabinet
  • gastroenterology outpatient appointments cabinet
  • infectious diseases doctor outpatient appointments cabinet
  • rheumatology outpatient appointments cabinet
  • ophthamlogist outpatient appointments cabinet
  • perimetry cabinet
  • internal diseases doctor outpatient appointments cabinet
  • thrombosis cabinet
The doctors working at the General Internal Medicine Centre are experienced NEMC professionals and have extensive practical experience.

In the internal medicine department, we treat patients with appointments as well as emergency cases. There are 47 beds with an internal medicine profile, of which 13 are intensive care beds. Most of our patients are emergency patients. A large number of the patients have unclear diagnoses, which we try to resolve, using all of the high-tech means at the hospital’s disposal and the NEMC’s specialists. The treatment takes place pursuant to international guidelines. All of our internists are highly experienced and constantly supplementing their knowledge base in Estonia and abroad.

The department treats patients whose diagnoses vary greatly: hypertension, heart failure, tumours and post-treatment complications, blood clots, poisoning, blood diseases, diseases of the respiratory system and urinary tract.

All of our doctors also see patients at the polyclinic. Patients who are given referrals to outpatient appointments include ones with venous thrombosis who need additional diagnosis as to the causes of the condition and advice on the duration and resolution of the problem and further secondary preventive treatment. We also provide pre- and post-operative consultation for patients with a high risk of thrombosis (prevention of recurrence). We provide consultation and monitor patients who have received an oncological diagnosis and who need anticoagulant treatment. The thrombosis-specialized nurse will provide independent lifestyle counselling on patients and also in matters pertaining to compression socks and anticoagulant treatment.

General Internal Medicine

Laura Venig


617 1756

Marika Paumets

Marika Paumets

Head of Centre

617 1470

Reena Loit

Reena Loit

Chief Nurse

617 2239