Dermatovenerology Centre

Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted disease >>

The North Estonia Medical Centre's Dermatovenerology Centre is located at Sütiste tee 19  in Tallinn. The centre has provided diagnosis and care of skin diseases and STDs since autumn 1973. The centre employs 10 doctors, 13 nurses and 5 caregivers.

The Dermatovenerology Centre includes a skin diseases department, which provides inpatients care, with 13 beds; and an outpatient skin diseases and STD polyclinic for outpatient care.

No referral is needed for an appointment with a dematovenerologist. 

As elsewhere in the world, the dematovenerology care is predominantly outpatient. The hospital is only for treating complications, severe or skin diseases and STDs that do not respond well to outpatient care. In 2012, the inpatient facility for primarily occupied by patients with moderate and severe psoriasis, acute dermatitis and eczema and diseases involving blistering.

In January 2013, we opened a day inpatient service for patients whose condition requires procedures and monitoring by a physician, but not around the clock. At the polyclinic, patients are seen by all of our centre’s dermatovenerologists.

Patients sought out outpatient care mostly for diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (42 per cent of requests) and benign skin tumours (21 per cent) Contagious and parasitic diseases (above all fungal and viral skin diseases and sexually transmitted diseases) made up 21 percent of appointments and genitourinary diseases 6 per cent).

The need for procedures performed at the polyclinic - such as epicutaneous and patch tests, cryotherapy and phototherapy – is determined by a dermatovenerologist.
Digital dermatoscopy scans allow naevi and skin tumours to be diagnosed and monitored using modern methods. In early 2013, we launched photodynamic treatment for epidermal skin cancer and precancerous skin lesions.

The Dermatovenerology Centre is an internship base for University of Tartu residents and students at the Tallinn Health Care College.

Dermatovenerology centre

Anu Kiik


617 2960

Maigi Eisen

Maigi Eisen

Head of Centre

617 2961

Kairi Loit

Kairi Loit

Chief Nurse

617 2975